Our APL membership

why we're proud to be members!

About APL

why choose an APL member?

 The association of professional landscapers is a trade body affiliated to the horticultural trades association, which promotes the highest level of standards within the industry. To become a member, a landscaping business must have been trading for at least two years and go through a rigorous inspection process. 
Once accepted as a full APL member the business undergoes an annual inspection to ensure high standards are maintained. The vetting process is so rigorous that the APL is the only landscaping trade body whose members have been accepted by the government backed TrustMark accredited scheme. TrustMark ensures the association maintains its standards by checking those of its members. TrustMark also ensures that the client can be confident that should something go wrong, there is a complete ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) facility available to them. 
The Association of Professional Landscapers is at the forefront of developing and maintaining professional standards and services, providing you with the confidence you need when choosing a landscaper. 


APL - Landscaper.co.uk

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